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Join us in prayer as we prepare for Lent!

Novena Prayer:

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, during the Holy Season of Lent You call us to a closer union with Yourself. Help me to prepare to celebrate this Lenten season with mind and heart renewed. Give me a spirit of loving reverence for You, our Father, and of willing service to my neighbor, that I may decrease and You may increase. We ask this in the Name of Jesus, our Lord.  Amen.

Day 1 - Welcome to Lent by Fr. Isaac Makovo

Day 2 - Invitation to prayer by Deacon Bill

Day 3 - Fasting and hunger by Eddie Cabrera

Day 4 - "Giving Up" by Regina Oesterle

Day 5 - Confession by Albert Ebhoaye

Day 6 - The beauty of Holy Thursday by Glenn Williams

Day 7 - The humanity of Jesus praying in the Garden by Seminarian James Lancelotta

Day 8 - The uniqueness of Good Friday by Fr. Pete Pomposello

Day 9 - "Daring to Hope" by Scott Oesterle

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